INFormation Sheet
Whenever you do user research, you must ensure participants understand what you research is about without biasing their views.
Designing your information sheet
Write your information sheet in language your participants can understand.
Check with your organisation’s data protection expert or legal adviser that your document complies with the law.
When you provide the information sheet to participants, make sure it’s in a format they can use. For example, you can send a printed information sheet by post, attach it to an email, or offer to read it aloud during a phone call.
This means sharing information like:
who is doing the research
who is funding the research
the purpose of the research
what data you’re collecting (and have more detail about that in the consent form)
make sure you give them the sheet before the research session
Use your Research Plan and explain that in simpler terms without biasing your participants. Here is the research plan template again:
Consider these sections in your plan and iterate and review them with others as suggested in the checklist:
Prepared by
This is where you write your name. It tells everyone who's responsible for putting the research plan together and who to contact if they have questions or need more information.
Peer Reviewed by
Just like a chef asking someone to taste their food before serving it, this is where you list the people who have checked over your research plan. These are usually other experts in your field who can help make sure your plan is robust and feasible.
Ethics Review
This is the team of people who have examined your research plan to ensure it's ethical, meaning that it respects the rights, dignity, and welfare of the participants and does not cause harm. They're like the moral compass for your research project.
Project name
This is the title of your research project. It should be clear and informative, giving a snapshot of what your research is about.
Location(s) and dates
This is where and when you plan to do your research. It could be in a laboratory, online, or out in a forest, and it could be for a week, a month, or a year.
Project phase
This is what stage your project is at. Like a race, a research project has a start, a middle, and an end. This could be the planning phase, data collection phase, data analysis phase, etc.
These are the people who will actually be doing the research. They're like the detectives, gathering and analyzing the data.
Research Context
This section describes the background or setting of your research. Think of it as the backdrop to your research story that helps everyone understand why your research is important.
Research Objectives
This is what you're hoping to achieve with your research. It's like your research mission statement. It could be to understand a problem better, to test a theory, or to develop a new method.
Research Approach
This describes your general plan of attack. Will you be looking at the big picture, focusing on details, or doing something else?
Research Method
This is how you'll be gathering your information. Will you be interviewing people, conducting a survey, observing behaviour, or examining documents?
Research Technique
This is the specific way you'll carry out your method. For instance, if you're interviewing, will you be doing structured interviews where you ask everyone the same questions, or unstructured interviews where you let the conversation flow more naturally?
Types and number of participants
This is who you'll be studying. It could be a group of people, a type of animal, or a kind of material. You also need to say how many you'll be studying.
Access Needs
This includes any special requirements that participants with any disabilities, impairments of special requirements may have. Carefully consider how you will invite them and where.
Duration of each session
This is how long each part of your research will take. For example, if you're interviewing people, how long will each interview be? If you're observing behavioru, how long will each observation period be?
Tools needed to conduct research
These are the things you need to do your research. It could be a video camera, a computer program, a laboratory, or a notepad and pen.
Ethical Considerations and Mitigation
This is where you think about the possible ethical issues that might come up in your research, like ensuring confidentiality,